Exiftool rename files by date add sub seconds
Exiftool rename files by date add sub seconds

exiftool rename files by date add sub seconds

exiftool -ext MOV '-filenameMOV files and rename the image files with. # Video files require a different, so we run exiftool 3 times: This is based upon Exiftool FAQ 5 which says 'ExifTool is very flexible about the actual format of input date/time values when writing, and will attempt to reformat any values into the standard format unless the -n option is used. # Files shot within the same second get copy number added (-1,-2, etc.).

exiftool rename files by date add sub seconds

# Rename image and MOV files according to EXIF capture date, using YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.ext

Exiftool rename files by date add sub seconds